The State Funeral for War Veterans Board presents the 2022 Caisson
award to Abe Abrahamson, the Woody Williams Award to Brett Reistad
and the National George Patton Award to Congressman Jake Ellzey of Texas.
The 2022 awards went to Abe Abrahamson, Congressman Jake Ellzey
and he former National Commander of the America Legion, Brett Reistad.

Senator Joe Manchin receives a gift of sand from Iwo Jima and Omaha Beach
from Bill McNutt, Co Founder, State Funeral for World War II Veterans
May 2022

March 2022

Rabel McNutt at the funeral of her Godfather, Walter Ehlers, Medal of Honor
recipient from Normandy France, June 8, 1944. Rabel conceived the idea
of having a State Funeral for the last MOH holder from World War II as she prepared to attend her Godfather's funeral.
November 2017
Iwo Jima MOH recipient Hershel "Woody" Williams warmly greets Rabel McNutt the Texas public
school girl who originated the idea of holding a State Funeral in Washington DC
for the last Medal of Honor holder from World War II.