Re: Resolution: State Funeral for World War II Veterans, Walker Roney Post #99, Department of Missouri
It is the purpose "To convince the President of the United States to designate a State Funeral for the last living Medal of Honor Recipient from World War II, as a final salute to the 16 million Men and women of the greatest generation who served in our armed forces from 1941 to 1945."
WHEREAS: The time has come to prepare for a final salute to the Greatest Generation whereas 472 Medals of Honor were presented to military personnel who served during World War II. Only four of them are alive today.
WHEREAS: The opportunity is slipping away "A funeral not for one man, but as a way to join together the hearts and minds of 330 million plus Americans."
WHEREAS: Only three classes of citizens are entitled to a state funeral: A President-elect who dies before being sworn into office, a sitting President or former President of the United States, and any other person designated by the President.
WHEREAS: In view of the foregoing we the membership of The American Legion Walker-Roney Post #99 Department of Missouri, respectfully petition the President of the United States to designate the last surviving Medal of Honor Recipient to lay in state on behalf of the 16 million men and women Veterans as a final Salute to the "Greatest Generation" who served in our armed forces from 1941-1945.
Be it RESOLVED, By The American Legion Walker-Roney Post #99 Department of Missouri, Salem Missouri in a special meeting, July 10th, 2018 assembled in American Legion Post #99, at 2522 Mo-32 Salem Missouri 65560 to respectfully request that The American Legion Walker-Roney Post #99 Department of Missouri support a petition to the President of the United States on behalf of the over 16 Million men and women veterans that served during WWII. Be it also Resolved that the American Legion Post #99 Department of Missouri duly support, honor and Petition the President of the United States to designate on behalf of the selfless men and women of WWII to have a State Funeral for the last living Medal of Honor Recipient, not for one man but as a way to join together the hearts of millions of Americans in honor of the World War II Veterans and a family tribute to culminate the sacrifices and legacy of all men and women from this "Greatest Generation."